Monday, August 1, 2022

125-Reconciling the Memories of Past, Present and Future

 I find my earliest memories covering the anachronistic features of a previous incarnation. Clear recollections came to me of a distant life, a yogi amidst the Himalayan snows. These glimpses of the past, by some dimensionless link, also afforded me a glimpse of the future.

Paramahansa Yogananda

Do you ever have the memories of distant or future incidents. a sense of having previously belonged or an inkling of what will be? How do child prodigies write complicated symphonies or solve complex equations? My belief is that of reincarnation as mystics have for centuries discussed. the interest in past life experiences are relevant in your life today. You are free to believe or not to believe. I choose to believe. 

All things in the world today are often stated as absolutes. The parties of all politicians believe their platforms are righteous and true, yet death, suffering, iniquity, and starvation seem to be the by product of their regimes. It is beyond comprehension that humanity is able to move forward and progress at all with the thinking and mentality that is present. We must realize that our resources and the earth that we live on are limited in the destruction and devastation that man inflicts upon it. Open your heart and your mind to change and growth today. No longer be constrained by the darkness of Maya and the deceit it brings. Look to the future! Become the Mystic on the Mountain! You are yogi of your own life, use this power wisely. Act today to make life a better tomorrow for all, not just to increase your own fortunes, but to increase the fortunes of all. Yes Yogananda! We have spent our lifetimes in the mountains of North America and are saddened at the state of our atmosphere, water, earth and the drastic change in our climate. We have watched our glaciers, rivers, streams, lakes and National Treasures disappear. The time of silence has come and gone. It is now time to shout from the highest climbs of the world to stop the madness and mayhem! The rant of Today is to take up arms (not necessarily armaments), pens, banners, podcasts, blogs, posts, and print. If you wish for your children and your children's children to have a world to live in you must speak now or forever hold your voice. Be the Voice of Reason!

Monday, July 25, 2022

124-Adopting the Right Attitude

 Right Attitude

See nothing, look at nothing but your goal, ever shining before you. The things that happen to us do not matter; what we become through them does. Each day, accept everything as coming to you from God. At night, give everything back into His hands.

– Sri Gyanamata

"God Alone: The Life and Letters of a Saint"

It is not easy to shift your focus from self to a higher power. Everything that happens, happens within the framework of your life and existence. In simpler terms it happens to you, this makes it easy to internalize the happening. A method used in meditation is to perceive the thought (happening) see it and to release it. Give the thought (happening) to your higher power and release it from your life. Do not become attached to these thoughts or experiences. Allow yourself to distance from them and concentrate your thoughts upon your higher power. You will gain a freedom that you have never known. Do not become attached to people, places and things. It is all transitory. Change with the times and be ever vigilant in your truth. It is all that you have. 

Sunday, July 24, 2022

123- Aligning Your Actions for Success with Wisdom and Meditation


You cannot be free unless you have burned the seeds of past actions in the fire of wisdom and meditation.

– Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda

“Yogoda Satsanga Magazine”

Your past actions should not rule your present circumstances. To be free you must work through meditation and Kriya Yoga. You can dispel the karma of past actions. How can I do this you ask? Study the Lessons of the Self-Realization Fellowship and put them to use in your life. It works. The writing in this blog is the testament to this theory. If you are not finding satisfaction and happiness in your life than perhaps it is time for a change. Do not fear change! Change is not your enemy or an action to bring heartache. The right change can bring happiness and fulfillment beyond your wildest expectations. If it seems as if the world of Covid, Politics, Global Warming is closing in upon you than it may be the time to look for the right change in your life. Go forward in your new found freedom and attract the positive rewards that are there for you. You are a Divine creation of your father and he is working miracles every day for you in your life. Open your Heart, Spirit and Mind and accept them. Remember that when preparation meets opportunity it is the Law of Success. Go out and prepare yourself today. 

FreedomJuly 11

You cannot be free unless you have burned the seeds of past actions in the fire of wisdom and meditation. 

– Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda
“Yogoda Satsanga Magazine”

FreedomJuly 11

You cannot be free unless you have burned the seeds of past actions in the fire of wisdom and meditation. 

– Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda
“Yogoda Satsanga Magazine”

Saturday, July 9, 2022

122- Applying the Law Of Success

 Don't mentally review any problem constantly. Let it rest at times and it may work itself out; but see that you don't rest so long that your discrimination is lost. Rather, use these rest periods to go deep within the calm regions of your inner Self. -------- Paramahansa Yogananda,    "The Law of Success"

 The term for animals that chew on a cud or their food is Ruminant. 


1) Think deeply about something

2) (of a ruminant) chew the cud.

You can stand still and ruminate or you can move forward. Progress is achieved by forward movement. It is O.K. to gently look back from where you have just been or where you have come from but to expend any amount of energy is counter-productive to achieving any goal. Still water is often silent and deep as in deep reflective pool. Go deep and reflect but do not linger. Inaction is crippling, proper action results in the fulfillment of one's goals and dreams. Dream giant dreams and aspire to lofty goals. Do not be stagnant. If you are not pedaling uphill on your bicycle you will be sliding downhill.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

121-Obeying the Law of Freedom


 Before you act, you have freedom, but after you act, the effect of the action will follow you whether you want it to or not. That is the law of karma. You are a free agent, but when you perform a certain act, you will reap the results of that act.------ Paramahansa Yogananda. 

SRF Lessons

It seems like the Freedoms that we all took for granted are disappearing from us at alarming rates. There is an all out War on Women's Rights Today! Where is the lunacy coming from? Is it in the water? Tap, Mineral, Spring or Glacier, Sparkling, Distilled, Purified, Flavored or Infused, Alkaline, Well, my personal thoughts are they are secretly drinking the Kool-Aid that was mixed by Jim Jones in Guyana. It is the only logical explanation for the absolute onslaught against freedoms and (Oh God Yes!), rights. Don't say those words, I know because I already have incurred the wrath for collecting my (entitlements of which I worked 50 years of my life for.) But hey, lets not rule out that sneaky little law of Karma. Cosmic karma for your actions has yet to come into to play. So I say to all the Supreme Court Judges, the lying Judges of our Supreme Court. When you make your rulings, don't rule out karma because it can really be a bitch! (My rant for Today!) 

Friday, April 15, 2022

120- What are The Gates of Sweet Nectar? In the Time of the New Renaissance


 I read a quote written by Bernie Glassman in a book called Chants of a Lifetime, by Krishna Das who has been a devotee of Neem Karolia Baba for many years.

The Gates of Sweet Nectar

Calling out to hungry hearts
Everywhere through endless time
You who wander, you who thirst
I offer you this Bodhi mind
Calling all you hungry spirits
Everywhere through endless time
Calling out to hungry hearts
All the lost and left behind
Gather round and share this meal
Your joy and your sorrow
I make it mine.

For Your Love, Humble Pie

Let the New Resurrection of The Christ Within You be that of Hope, Faith, Kindness and Charity for All of Humanity.

Happy Easter From The Healers of Write My Fire

Sunday, April 10, 2022

119- How to Inspire Gifts of Love and Peace; In the Time of The New Renaissance


Seek to do brave and lovely things that are left undone by the majority of people. Give gifts of love and peace to those whom others pass by----Paramahansa Yogananda; SRF Lessons

Sage advice for the times in which we now find ourselves. it is not easy to have a hardened heart during the difficulties that the world finds itself in. We must look inside ourselves and then at the world and see how we can best serve humanity. We would like to work on and write about our own projects, unfortunately we feel our audience is best serves by positive reaffirming writing. It would be nice to satisfy the minds of the curious with fiction and distraction. The world is really in need of positive affirmations on the goodness of humanity. Do not become distraught at the war in Ukraine look at all the wonderful humanitarian operations that are now taking place. The activists getting involved and the countries of the world coming together. We should not allow the horror and negativity of the military conflict to darken our spirits. A recent article written about the great Russian writer Tolstoy said that his view on negativism in the world was to combat it with good and positive energy and actions. Hence the break from my White Dreams Novel (which is not on hold, only not in the blog posts) appearing here. 

This is the time for each of us to try and understand how our actions, thoughts and prayers can help our fellow citizens of America and the world to excel. It is not a Kumbaya Chant that I'm looking for here. What the real meaning is for we as individuals to help end divisiveness and disharmony at home and in the work place and politics and work toward the achievement of common goals