Tuesday, September 27, 2022

1- Ask Mrs. Peach? - Apres Covid Advice

Coming soon Ask Mrs. Peach

Hi my name is Pete Peach (was Piper, Pi,Pi,  My Pi, then Peter Piper, then just plain Pete) and my pronouns are she, her and I like boys. I will be responding to any questions about life, love or relationships. Let’s face it, there is a whole new scary world with all types out there. Actually anything you have a question about, Please feel free to ask them. Remember to be kind and mean people suck! Oh! Girls Rule!

Please click on subscribe and please post a comment or your question.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

130-Realizing the Truths Leading To Your Personal Great Awakening


Let us forget the sorrows of the past and make up our minds not to dwell on them in the New Year.  With determination and unflinching will, let us renew our lives, our good habits, and our successes. If the last year has been hopelessly bad, the New Year  must be hopelessly good.-Paramahansa  Yogananda, "Self-Realization Magazine"

The New Year is a fresh clean slate! You are the writer of your story! How do you want it to read. Try something New! Accomplish something no one else has attempted! This is your life and your time, Dream the Courageous Dream and Reach for the Heavens. It is yours for the asking. No more meek and mild Lambs of the World. You are a Conquering Lion of Truth. You are only defeated if you believe you are defeated. Your Destiny is yet to be written. Many Women and Men have led quite subdued lives only to awaken Spiritually and blossom into Revered Leaders. No longer sit idly and allow others to control your thoughts, actions and future. Once you realize you have the Love  and Guidance of Your Father working directly in your affairs you will be able to go forward in life with the certainty of the Great Conqueror that you truly are. Walk your path and speak your truth with Love and Devotion to the Scientific Principles found in Kriya Yoga and you will be assured of your Success! This New Year is the Year for Your Personal Great Awakening!

Monday, September 19, 2022

129-Finding Your Path To Peace And Harmony Through Meditation.

 Do not lament if you see no lights or images in meditation. Go deep into the perception of Bliss; there you will find the actual presence of God. Seek not a part but the Whole.------Paramahansa Yogananda, "Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda"

It is easy to be discouraged in your attempt at Meditating. Nothing worthwhile in the World comes to you without Perseverance. You must know that many Great Masters before you have walked the Path that you now walk. Keep your Life as simple as you are able. Lessen the noise of the world and listen to the voice within you. Dive deeper into the quiet of the silence in your mind. You will slowly become more attuned to your spirituality and be willing to become one with your new found sense of purpose. It is and ever growing peace and harmony that will fill your heart and mind. You owe it to your self to find your way free of the  bondages that Western Civilization has placed upon you. You will learn to be at one with yourself, your possessions, your career and your spiritual path in this world. This is the Promise that awaits you on your path.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

128- How to Use Dynamic Will Power to Overcome All Life's Obstacles.

 Remember that as a child of God you are endowed with greater strength than you will ever need to overcome all trials that God may send you.----- Paramahansa Yogananda, "Man's Eternal Quest"

Difficulties will arise in life and you will be faced by tribulation. They can be daunting and debilitating. Do not become frozen with fear or anxiety you will see your way clear. How you ask? When this devastating occurrence happens and my world is in an upheaval, how can I find my way through this wilderness. It is impossible in those times to find faith. How can this be solved? You must believe with every fiber of your being that your path is being directed and you will overcome whatever the tribulation is that you are experiencing. Imagine the time when you are through your trials. Experience how your success will feel. Know that there is nothing that you cannot accomplish if you have the will to do it. Dynamic Will Power is the most powerful force in the Universe and if you exercise it. You can and will triumph.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

127- How to adjust your attitude to overcome Maya-Delusion

 The most destructive shaft of maya-delusion is unwillingness to meditate, for by this attitude one prevents himself from tuning in with God and Guru--- Paramahansa Yogananda, "Rajarsi Janakananda: Great Western Yogi"


Maya, cosmic delusion, is the universal substance of forms in the Infinite Formless. Avidya is the individual cosmic hypnosis or illusion imposed on the forms that makes them express, perceive, and interact with one another as though each has its own separate reality. God's omnipresent undifferentiated cosmic consciousness underlies its mayic separations into parts through which the Creator expresses His manifoldness. By the visualization of His thoughts, through the power of maya, " the magical measurer," God creates sustains, and dissolves dream worlds and beings.--- Paramahansa Yogananda

Everything in the Universe is Transient and changing. What you perceive as real is made up of individual atoms. Atoms have particles and molecules and are also constantly changing. Be grounded in the world but remain flexible. The earth is a living breathing organic organism that we are rapidly depleting and destroying. The changes in the weather and its patterns are indicative of the beginning rumblings of her death and destruction. It is imperative that the current course we are in now be halted immediately. Herein lies the difficulty. By not meditating, you are closing your being an essence to enlightenment. You are allowing Delusion and Maya to spread its darkness upon you and this world. Open up your heart and mind to cosmic consciousness and go deeply into meditation. You will find all the riches of the world exist in its peace.

Friday, September 16, 2022

126-Becoming the Lion of Courage for your Destiny

  Courage: Spiritual DiaryParamahansaYogananda"Whispers From Eternity"

     I know now that I am a lion of cosmic power. Bleating no more, I shake the error forest with reverberations of Thine almighty voice. In divine freedom I bound through the jungle of earthly delusions, devouring the little creatures of vexing worries and timidities, and the wild hyenas of disbelief.

     O Lion of Liberation, ever send through me Thy roar of all-conquering courage.

                                             * * *

     Do not fear the future! The future is bright with growth and the blossoming of your life. Pay attention to your health and protect your self and your environment from the Delta Variant by Observing Safety Rules and getting Vaccinated. To be a Leader of your Pride you must protect your fellow citizens and families. You cannot be a leader with courage and bravado by displaying ignorance regarding life. There is no compromise in your responsibilities to yourself and your fellow human beings. Move forward with the assurance that you are the Master and Commander of your Destiny grounded in the Divine Guidance of Your Creator. Roar at the World and the delusion of the Ignorance. You can and will be the Leader that you Desire to be.

Monday, August 1, 2022

125-Reconciling the Memories of Past, Present and Future

 I find my earliest memories covering the anachronistic features of a previous incarnation. Clear recollections came to me of a distant life, a yogi amidst the Himalayan snows. These glimpses of the past, by some dimensionless link, also afforded me a glimpse of the future.

Paramahansa Yogananda

Do you ever have the memories of distant or future incidents. a sense of having previously belonged or an inkling of what will be? How do child prodigies write complicated symphonies or solve complex equations? My belief is that of reincarnation as mystics have for centuries discussed. the interest in past life experiences are relevant in your life today. You are free to believe or not to believe. I choose to believe. 

All things in the world today are often stated as absolutes. The parties of all politicians believe their platforms are righteous and true, yet death, suffering, iniquity, and starvation seem to be the by product of their regimes. It is beyond comprehension that humanity is able to move forward and progress at all with the thinking and mentality that is present. We must realize that our resources and the earth that we live on are limited in the destruction and devastation that man inflicts upon it. Open your heart and your mind to change and growth today. No longer be constrained by the darkness of Maya and the deceit it brings. Look to the future! Become the Mystic on the Mountain! You are yogi of your own life, use this power wisely. Act today to make life a better tomorrow for all, not just to increase your own fortunes, but to increase the fortunes of all. Yes Yogananda! We have spent our lifetimes in the mountains of North America and are saddened at the state of our atmosphere, water, earth and the drastic change in our climate. We have watched our glaciers, rivers, streams, lakes and National Treasures disappear. The time of silence has come and gone. It is now time to shout from the highest climbs of the world to stop the madness and mayhem! The rant of Today is to take up arms (not necessarily armaments), pens, banners, podcasts, blogs, posts, and print. If you wish for your children and your children's children to have a world to live in you must speak now or forever hold your voice. Be the Voice of Reason!