Sunday, January 22, 2023

131-How to Find Your Heart's Desire by Attuning Yourself to God's Will.

 Endeavor to make yourself what you should be and what you want to be. As you keep your mind on God and attune yourself to His will, you progress more and more surely on your path.----- Paramahansa Yogananda. "The Law of Success"

Do not waiver on your path. Remain steadfast in your desire for and your belief of your ultimate success in this life. Attune your heart, spirit, mind, and soul on God's will for you and you cannot fail. Your Father wishes for you to be successful in your life and to attain your Heart's Desire. He above all others knows your longings and desires. You are his child. Remember that " I and my Father are One, All things that my Father Hath are Mine." Stop defeating yourself with doubts and fears. They serve no purpose. If you were to truly believe than you truly can. Through right action, purposeful living, deep meditation and self honesty you can overcome any personal obstacle to your success. Why be a slave to negativity and failure. No longer compare yourself to others around you. You can become the very change that you wish for in this world. Start Today!

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

4-Ask Mrs. Peach? How Can We Best Educate Our Children, and Curb the Alarming Trend of Cancel Culture in America Today,? First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden

Ask Mrs. Peach?

This is a work of Satirical Nature from the mind of a Champagne Toy Poodle and does not reflect on any factual nature regarding the named Individuals and should not be construed as such.

 Dear Mrs. Peach,

There is so much misinformation being spread about Education in America Today. The indiscriminate banning of books that have been accepted reading for generations of Americans are now being denied a place in our culture by closed and narrow minded individuals. How can we curb the alarming trend of Cancel Culture In America Today! First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden?

Dear First Lady, Dr Jill Biden,

First things first, You must no be disheartened by their delusion. The inability of those that are misguided to understand Truth is Universal. How can we educate those that already think that they are the Enlightened and The Chosen Ones, (They are certainly annoying to those of us that are.) The fact that they espouse their Radical Extremism Ideals and are ignorant of the simplest of Human Truths is truly frightening. We cannot be deterred in our mission to teach Acceptance. Ignorance has become bliss as George Orwell predicted. Double Speak is the Method of delivering their message. Change the narrative and accuse  the Innocent of Unspeakable Atrocities. We have quickly become a Society of Grievances. No longer do we look for common grounds to work with one another to accomplish difficult goals. We isolate along party and societal lines. This must end. 

The Administration that you are a part of has taken difficult and complex issues and to a great degree solved them. Thank you for seeing that the right individuals have been placed in the proper places of Authority to make intelligent and educated decisions concerning our greatest problems. We must focus our hearts and minds to the advancement of awareness. The ability to remain open to new ideas and new ways of dealing with our problems is priority number one. We do not live in the Age of Darkness. We are living in a New Age of Enlightenment. Yet more minds are closed and determined to revert to Darkness than ever before. If we are to provide any Future for our children we must let our voices be raised and heard above the din of the rhetoric that is being presented to us. Now is not the time for shrinking violets. We need to step forward and be heard. Speak until they listen. 

In conclusion I would like to reissue my challenge for the 2026 Winter Olympic Games in Cortina d'Ampezza in Italy. I believe all Children of the Nations that will be participating should create Letters, Poems, Songs, Dances, Works of Art of All Imaginable Types and submit them to the Olympic Organizing Committee. The Theme should be. What does Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness mean to you? My submission will be The Lure of the Mountain King (Novel), Dancing with Rhada ( Novel- The Teacher's Crusade). Please Join Me In My Quest To Touch The Sky)

Mrs. Pete Peach (She, Her, Adorable Girl, Chosen One)

Friday, December 9, 2022

3-Ask Mrs. Peach? How May I Help? Barack Obama

 Ask Mrs. Peach?

This is a work of Satirical Nature from the mind of a Champagne Toy Poodle and does not reflect on any factual nature regarding the named Individuals and should not be construed as such.

Dear Mrs. Peach, 
     I have decided to use my platform as a former President of the United States to further the enlightenment of humanity. Michelle and I have opened our hearts and minds to help teach society as a collective that they need not suffer and endure the delusion of Maya and the forms of ignorance that it brings. My question to you would be, How may we be empowered by our creator to accomplish this?
Barack Obama

Dear Barack,
     First and foremost I must recognize the great truth that you have already imparted to the masses. Indeed you are never recognized as a prophet in your own country. This since time began is a simple but absolute truth. The World sees and understands that you have been placed on this Earth to bring Enlightenment and Awareness to the Multitude of Lost Souls. You do this by the way you take complicated issues and create teachable learning exercises with great candor, honesty and humility. The World truly sees this and we all long for the sanity of thought and purpose that you represent amidst the chaos that is present day America. 

   My humble advice would be to remind Society as a collective, to be of service. Service first is the great lesson that I have gleaned from your great example. America as a whole would do well to incorporate in its thinking the thoughts of how we as citizens can find ways to work together. Unfortunately a prior entity, of which I have crossed swords with in the past, (Regarding Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in a former lesson), has unleashed, Pandora's Box of evils, sickness, death, turmoil, strife, jealousy, hatred, famine and passion-curses and general vileness upon a gullible and unsuspecting group of deluded souls. I am not just referring to the ignorance of the masses but also to that of the Legislating Bodies. Sad, but all too true. However, a great fact that is often overlooked in the the retelling of the Greek Myth is that the only entity left in Pandora's Box was hope and that is where you shine. Hope is still available to the masses and you are the catalyst to unleash it (Again).
     The great dilemma that society faces is how to stem the rising tides of extremism and turn the hearts and minds of disillusioned impoverished, and disadvantaged souls into productive willing participants in the experience that is democracy. Unification through common goals that is America only seems to work under times of duress, like war. The Pandemic only seemed to turn America into a group of dying, bickering, sick, isolated unreasonable idiots. The chaos that was the Leadership had everything to do with this. At the risk of inciting the wrath of those that still cling to the Great Lies that were perpetuated by the Greatest Liar that History will ever know, I like you am compelled to speak the absolute truth and to risk the consequences. (Extreme Consequences for those that Speak The Truth!)
     My final thought would be to remind those that are seeking and those that are lost to turn your thoughts inward and to understand that through the help of your Father who is always with you, that with his help, and guidance and your perseverance your goals and dreams can and will be attained. Dispel the negativity that has been wrought by those willing to be easily led by False Prophets and cling to the Absolute Truth of The True Enlightened Masters. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

2-Ask Mrs.Peach? How Does A Woman Respond To False Accusations Of Character? Liz Cheney Wilson, Wyoming


Ask Mrs. Peach?
This is a work of Satirical Nature from the mind of a Champagne Toy Poodle and does not reflect on any factual nature regarding the named Individuals and should not be construed as such.

Dear Mrs. Peach, 
I am a representative in an exclusive group of elected officials and am of good moral standing. Here is my question.?I was recently appointed second chair of a very important select commission. Unfortunately the topic of the investigation was responsible for the greatest attempt at a Coup and Insurrection against our Freedom and Liberty that America has ever seen. To further complicate the situation his associates have declared an all out war on Women and Women’s Rights to choose concerning the Sovereignty of their Own Bodies and Reproductive Systems. They are attempting to deny women the access to Birth Control to further complicate the situation. I felt so strongly about the Insurrection that I assumed the lead. However it has come at a great personal expense to me. I have been removed from any positions of importance and am denied the ability of seeking re-election. How does a woman respond to false accusations to their character?


Dear Liz
Stay Strong and Stand Tall! Haters are going to hate! All is going to Work Out Well! Trust in yourself!
When I was Identifying as Giant , I wrote Lesson 6, The Art of Acceptance in the Time of the Coronavirus, I set forth a challenge to produce a work of Art for the Winter Olympics in Beijing, China. explaining what Life, Liberty and the The Pursuit of Happiness means to me.The Mountain Pearl,a collection of short stories and poetry, set in the Mountains of North America was published by Write My Fire and enjoyed by thousands over the course of theOlympic Games.(Lessons 75-91, A Children’s Crusade, A Book of Redemption.)
Trust in the Miracle of Love! Like you, I still love America from “Sea to Shining Sea!!” You will see the advice that I gave to Kamala Harris (She is one of my heroes for her accomplishments in a male dominated world. Along with You and Cassidy Hutchinson.) She was being bullied by the very same bully that is the subject of your investigation. My advice to her was to stand strong. Wear her mask because she is a beautiful shining light of a Woman and Sisterhood and if she had any doubts about life to read a soon to be “Banned Book Classic, The Emperor's New Clothes"  to completely understand the actor she was involved with. Kamala persevered and became Vice President, as you well know. She should not allow the men who she aided in being elected to Silence her brave strong voice.
She rose above her setback to become a role model for millions of young women. Sometimes our greatest obstacles in life become our greatest opportunities for advancement and success. Perhaps this is the time to toss your Cowgirl Hat in the Presidential Arena? You are articulate, intelligent, and extremely brave as you have demonstrated. The 2020’s will be known as the decade of the Woman. 

I would like to Identify as Giant again and make a Modest Proposal. If you will continue to persevere against the onslaught of Injustices that are being directed at you by your party and constituents and consider your calling to a higher office....
I will attempt to publish,The Coronavirus Writings - A Journey into Self- Realization. I propose to complete my novels, Dancing With Rhada (A Teacher's Crusade), and White Dreams (A Man's Crusade), in time for the Winter Olympics set in Cortina D’ Ampezzo for the 2026 Games.

I learned from my time on our Equine Rescue Ranch that in a herd when (usually the males) are acting up the Mares will just turn their backs and ignore them. If they persist watch out because then they will let fly both hind hooves. Of course, you being a wonderful horse woman, already know this and your back is turned. Turn away and don't ever look back.

My Mom proposed a Unification next for All Women for a Great Abstinence. She proposes it be a day. (Me-Or Several days, possibly weeks). She said get their attention, shut down the  fun factory. Time to stop this nonsense. We control our bodily autonomy.

Mrs. Peach Say's, 
"No more side saddle."

Mrs. Pete’s Prediction:
From July 2, 2020 
A Big Bully will pick on a Small Champagne Poodle. 
He will just have to do it. 
My Mom schooled me on Narcissism.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

1- Ask Mrs. Peach? - Apres Covid Advice

Coming soon Ask Mrs. Peach

Hi my name is Pete Peach (was Piper, Pi,Pi,  My Pi, then Peter Piper, then just plain Pete) and my pronouns are she, her and I like boys. I will be responding to any questions about life, love or relationships. Let’s face it, there is a whole new scary world with all types out there. Actually anything you have a question about, Please feel free to ask them. Remember to be kind and mean people suck! Oh! Girls Rule!

Please click on subscribe and please post a comment or your question.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

130-Realizing the Truths Leading To Your Personal Great Awakening


Let us forget the sorrows of the past and make up our minds not to dwell on them in the New Year.  With determination and unflinching will, let us renew our lives, our good habits, and our successes. If the last year has been hopelessly bad, the New Year  must be hopelessly good.-Paramahansa  Yogananda, "Self-Realization Magazine"

The New Year is a fresh clean slate! You are the writer of your story! How do you want it to read. Try something New! Accomplish something no one else has attempted! This is your life and your time, Dream the Courageous Dream and Reach for the Heavens. It is yours for the asking. No more meek and mild Lambs of the World. You are a Conquering Lion of Truth. You are only defeated if you believe you are defeated. Your Destiny is yet to be written. Many Women and Men have led quite subdued lives only to awaken Spiritually and blossom into Revered Leaders. No longer sit idly and allow others to control your thoughts, actions and future. Once you realize you have the Love  and Guidance of Your Father working directly in your affairs you will be able to go forward in life with the certainty of the Great Conqueror that you truly are. Walk your path and speak your truth with Love and Devotion to the Scientific Principles found in Kriya Yoga and you will be assured of your Success! This New Year is the Year for Your Personal Great Awakening!

Monday, September 19, 2022

129-Finding Your Path To Peace And Harmony Through Meditation.

 Do not lament if you see no lights or images in meditation. Go deep into the perception of Bliss; there you will find the actual presence of God. Seek not a part but the Whole.------Paramahansa Yogananda, "Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda"

It is easy to be discouraged in your attempt at Meditating. Nothing worthwhile in the World comes to you without Perseverance. You must know that many Great Masters before you have walked the Path that you now walk. Keep your Life as simple as you are able. Lessen the noise of the world and listen to the voice within you. Dive deeper into the quiet of the silence in your mind. You will slowly become more attuned to your spirituality and be willing to become one with your new found sense of purpose. It is and ever growing peace and harmony that will fill your heart and mind. You owe it to your self to find your way free of the  bondages that Western Civilization has placed upon you. You will learn to be at one with yourself, your possessions, your career and your spiritual path in this world. This is the Promise that awaits you on your path.