Saturday, July 9, 2022

122- Applying the Law Of Success

 Don't mentally review any problem constantly. Let it rest at times and it may work itself out; but see that you don't rest so long that your discrimination is lost. Rather, use these rest periods to go deep within the calm regions of your inner Self. -------- Paramahansa Yogananda,    "The Law of Success"

 The term for animals that chew on a cud or their food is Ruminant. 


1) Think deeply about something

2) (of a ruminant) chew the cud.

You can stand still and ruminate or you can move forward. Progress is achieved by forward movement. It is O.K. to gently look back from where you have just been or where you have come from but to expend any amount of energy is counter-productive to achieving any goal. Still water is often silent and deep as in deep reflective pool. Go deep and reflect but do not linger. Inaction is crippling, proper action results in the fulfillment of one's goals and dreams. Dream giant dreams and aspire to lofty goals. Do not be stagnant. If you are not pedaling uphill on your bicycle you will be sliding downhill.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

121-Obeying the Law of Freedom


 Before you act, you have freedom, but after you act, the effect of the action will follow you whether you want it to or not. That is the law of karma. You are a free agent, but when you perform a certain act, you will reap the results of that act.------ Paramahansa Yogananda. 

SRF Lessons

It seems like the Freedoms that we all took for granted are disappearing from us at alarming rates. There is an all out War on Women's Rights Today! Where is the lunacy coming from? Is it in the water? Tap, Mineral, Spring or Glacier, Sparkling, Distilled, Purified, Flavored or Infused, Alkaline, Well, my personal thoughts are they are secretly drinking the Kool-Aid that was mixed by Jim Jones in Guyana. It is the only logical explanation for the absolute onslaught against freedoms and (Oh God Yes!), rights. Don't say those words, I know because I already have incurred the wrath for collecting my (entitlements of which I worked 50 years of my life for.) But hey, lets not rule out that sneaky little law of Karma. Cosmic karma for your actions has yet to come into to play. So I say to all the Supreme Court Judges, the lying Judges of our Supreme Court. When you make your rulings, don't rule out karma because it can really be a bitch! (My rant for Today!) 

Friday, April 15, 2022

120- What are The Gates of Sweet Nectar? In the Time of the New Renaissance


 I read a quote written by Bernie Glassman in a book called Chants of a Lifetime, by Krishna Das who has been a devotee of Neem Karolia Baba for many years.

The Gates of Sweet Nectar

Calling out to hungry hearts
Everywhere through endless time
You who wander, you who thirst
I offer you this Bodhi mind
Calling all you hungry spirits
Everywhere through endless time
Calling out to hungry hearts
All the lost and left behind
Gather round and share this meal
Your joy and your sorrow
I make it mine.

For Your Love, Humble Pie

Let the New Resurrection of The Christ Within You be that of Hope, Faith, Kindness and Charity for All of Humanity.

Happy Easter From The Healers of Write My Fire

Sunday, April 10, 2022

119- How to Inspire Gifts of Love and Peace; In the Time of The New Renaissance


Seek to do brave and lovely things that are left undone by the majority of people. Give gifts of love and peace to those whom others pass by----Paramahansa Yogananda; SRF Lessons

Sage advice for the times in which we now find ourselves. it is not easy to have a hardened heart during the difficulties that the world finds itself in. We must look inside ourselves and then at the world and see how we can best serve humanity. We would like to work on and write about our own projects, unfortunately we feel our audience is best serves by positive reaffirming writing. It would be nice to satisfy the minds of the curious with fiction and distraction. The world is really in need of positive affirmations on the goodness of humanity. Do not become distraught at the war in Ukraine look at all the wonderful humanitarian operations that are now taking place. The activists getting involved and the countries of the world coming together. We should not allow the horror and negativity of the military conflict to darken our spirits. A recent article written about the great Russian writer Tolstoy said that his view on negativism in the world was to combat it with good and positive energy and actions. Hence the break from my White Dreams Novel (which is not on hold, only not in the blog posts) appearing here. 

This is the time for each of us to try and understand how our actions, thoughts and prayers can help our fellow citizens of America and the world to excel. It is not a Kumbaya Chant that I'm looking for here. What the real meaning is for we as individuals to help end divisiveness and disharmony at home and in the work place and politics and work toward the achievement of common goals

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

118-Uncle Albert's Mountain,( The Lure Of The Mountain King ; )The Senator; Chapter VII




                                                         The Senator



     Jilly slid her silk robe across her thighs. She inhaled deeply on her cigarette and let

the smoke billowed out. She stubbed the remainder out in the ashtray.


     “You know I am a baby. Don’t I always take care of you? I’ll see you on Sunday. We’ll make up for lost time. I promise you. I’ll be extra sweet to you.”

She leaned back on her sofa and looked across the room. Beneath a brass light hung a large aerial photo of A-Basin. Along the face of the mountain a pair of red dotted lines extended across it. They signified a proposed high speed Vista Bahn. The lower left hand corner had a large red circle drawn in a portion of the parking lot.


     “No one suspects a thing. I have the pictures just like you asked. Yes, you’re absolutely correct, it would be a perfect place for a Helipad. The only thing is we are going to have to move fast. If we don’t they are going to ruin everything. They? The klutzy Olympian and his ski bum sidekick.  They have been counseling Joe on ways to block the takeover and are always off skiing instead of taking care of the mountain. The place will be in shambles by the time we get our hands on it.”

She stood up and walked across the room and reached down on a portable glass bar.  Raising her wine glass. She twirled it gently around and pressed her lips to the



     “Here’s to the start of a profitable partnership Senator,” she whispered.


                                                         * * *                                                                                                                   


      Senator John Blackwell walked to the door of the Keystone Condominium penthouse and opened the French doors that looked out onto the slopes. Taking a long drink of brandy, tasting the warmth, he swallowed and felt the smoothness make its way down to his sizable belly. This would be the year. He had introduced legislation that would allow drilling and mining on National Forest Lands under the guise of National Security Interests. The White River National Forest above Arapahoe Basin Ski Area had large deposits of Molybdenum and the lease would soon be his. He would have it all, he would own or control all the lands and businesses from the I-70 corridor at Eisenhower Tunnel most of the town of Dillon, the Reservoir, all the way to Frisco and the Valley from the water to the Continental Divide including the Ski Areas of Keystone and Arapahoe Basin The material contracts alone for the nuclear submarines were worth more than most countries defense budgets and would make him the new breed of multi billionaire businessmen. He had plans to join the space race once he had finished extracting the metals from the mountains. There was nothing that was going to stop him, certainly not some old mountain man and a group of societal misfits bent on singing Kumbaya, My Lord and playing patty cake in powder snow. He was anointed to be a mover and a shaker, born to wealth, and privilege. There were those that were destined to rule and those destined to serve, John Blackwell served no one but John Blackwell.


     Jilly quietly let herself into the penthouse and walked across the room to where the Senator was standing, staring out the window at the slopes of Keystone. She quickly slid her hands around his waist and surprised him as she hugged him tightly.


     “I didn’t think the morning would ever end. The lawyers were going on and on about the difficulty of mineral rights on National Lands and the sale of precious metals even if it was to the government. How it might be construed as a conflict of interest. Honestly, it was so boring. All I could think about was spending the afternoon here with you.”


     “So, it was agreed on, if I posses the lease to the ski area I also have the rights to the

minerals underneath the mountain.”


     “Yes, they are all yours. I have locked that in, all that is left is the meeting at your office in Denver for the signing over of the contracts. I spoke with the Insurance Underwriter and it is all taking care of. They will loose there Insurance next week. There is no way out for them. The Mountain is yours, Baby.”


     “When this is completed and my divorce is final I am going to take you to Paris. I love Paris in the Spring!”

     “I can’t wait for you to be rid of her, the old witch. She has been so unreasonable. If she wasn’t such an old washed up hack, I might feel sorry for her. Her and those unwanted waifs she calls children. We can have it all. You have the money and power and I will get you the missing piece, the Mountain. I told you the first night we spent together that I would deliver the Old Man and the Mountain to you. They are about to be ours, I promise you, we will spend our days on the Riviera and Entertaining the Elites.”


     “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I have learned from my time in the Senate that it isn’t “Over Until It’s Over. You have done well, you are destined to be a mover and a shaker.” 

Monday, April 4, 2022

117-Uncle Albert's Mountain,(The Lure Of The Mountain King,) The Newspapers; Chapter Vi


                                 The Newspapers



Tom sat down at the kitchen table for his morning coffee. He expected to skim through the headlines of the morning paper as he usually did. He liked to pretend he was up on current events and fake his way through the majority of debates using plain common sense. The trouble with that is when it came to what was really going on he was lost. It wasn’t because of ignorance; it was that Tom looked at life in a simpler way. Tom’s mind was working his way through one of his challenging powder stashes. Today Tom would read.

Jilly had laid out the paper, front page up, to be sure he didn’t miss it. The headline was in bold black type, page one read:

                       “Arapahoe Basin: Death On The Slopes”

     “I don’t believe this,” he shook his head. The story covered the entire front page of the Summit County Sentinel. Tom reread the dismal words, shaking his head over and over.

     “They make it sound like it’s Joe’s fault.” He downed the last of his coffee, rolled up the paper and grabbed his coat. He was out the door on his way to the Basin without Toby. Impulsiveness was one of his strong weaknesses. Tom turned off the world and went into attack mode when a strong heavy emotion was triggered in him.


                                                    * * *


      “Did you see this crap?” he held the newspaper up, storming into Joe’s office.

     “Which crap are you referring to?” Joe pointed at top of his desk. The desk was littered with papers from all over the state, especially the Capital City, Denver. The all had the same slant and innuendo’s blaming Joe personally and then the management of the resort.

     “I have even received a call from the Governor’s office. They want to know what is being done to combat the mounting problems and threats of skier fatalities.”

     “What is going on here Joe?” Tom asked, “This is more than just sensationalism in journalism.”

     “It’s simple the Senator wants this mountain. He owns everything from the valley floor to entrance of the parking lot and he wants this mountain and the lease with the forest service. He has the power and he controls the government and the media and he will stop at nothing to take the mountain.”

     “But it’s not true what they're printing.”

     “Tom you don’t get it, the new politics are to create doubt and fear and then feed off the fear by bending the facts to benefit your cause. They control the narrative and the media.”

     “You have done everything humanly possible to see that no one gets hurt up here. I know I just signed on to get a pass, but this means too much to me now. My biggest problem is I have always fallen in love with the mountains I have wintered at. I’m here to the end Joe. They can’t have this dream. There’s nowhere else to go. This is the symbol of everything I have ever believed in life. I can’t see it fall.”

     “It is truly going to be a fight, a dirty dog fight in the trenches and they just fired the salvo they think will sink us. I have some artillery of my own that I’m about to let fly. I’m proud to have you on our team. We will be lucky to keep our insurance now with all this publicity.”

     “I’m going to go work on the generators, I’ll fix what I know how, Today,” Tom stormed out the door of Joe’s office. Leaving him alone to contemplate his fate and the onslaught against his life’s work. They were getting closer day by day.

Saturday, April 2, 2022

116-Uncle Albert's Mountain,(The Lure Of The Mountain King,) Skier Dies; Chapter V


                                     Skier Dies




     “Monday morning crap,” Joe said aloud to himself. Seated at his desk with a cup of coffee, he was contemplating the mass of salesmen that always call on this day. Salesmen were sharks in suits and ties. They were sneaky and they didn’t care who they devoured. He also had an appointment with his accountant at one and his lawyer at three. Accountants he thought less of and he tried very hard never to think of lawyers. Lawyers and the loss of money seemed to go hand and hand. They were appointments that he was not looking forward to.

     “When this day is over with,” he sighed, “I’ll be one happy man.”

He reached for the last donut in the box on his desk. Just as he was about to bite into it, he heard a faint trace of a siren. It was growing louder. He stood and walked to the window. The phone began to ring. It startled him.

      “Yeah this is Joe,” he barked into the phone.

     “Tom here, you had better get down the road past the end of the lot. You’ll see the sheriff’s car. Come right away.”

     “What’s up?”

     “We found someone just off the road. He didn’t make it.”

Joe headed for the door. He leapt off the stairs and saw the flashing red lights of the ambulance and three sheriff’s patrol cars. Lance, Tom and a few employees were huddled in a circle over a crumpled form in the snow. The body was about a hundred from an avalanche run out and several feet from the road.

     “It looks like he crawled out of the bottom of the chutes from the direction of the tracks. He almost made it, looks like he was trying to signal a passing car. Poor kid,” Lance said.

     “Damn fool kid,” Joe’s face was flushed with anger. “He’s the one I chased off from under the ropes yesterday.”

     “Yeah, I recognize the outfit,” Tom agreed.

A tall burly forest ranger ambled over to Joe. He rested his arm on his shoulder.

     “Sorry to see this Joe,” he said, “It looks fairly cut and dry to me.”

     “I-I don’t know what to say Burt, We warned the kid yesterday. We put up signs, roped off the trails, closed whole sections of the mountain and they still have to sneak under the ropes and ski out of bounds.”

     “I’m going to have to ask you to stick around most of the day Joe. It will take awhile to notify next of kin, and to process the necessary paper work.”

     “I’ll be here all day, got a lot of appointments today.”

     “O.K. Joe, see you later today.”

Joe turned and started for the lodge. His hands stuffed deep in his pockets, his shoulders stooped low. Every year the Big Basin claimed lives. If they were lucky it would only be one. They either died in Avalanches in the chutes or far out of bounds. Some died skiing the Professor from the top of the Continental Divide. He tried desperately to prevent the deaths or minimize the risks. It was just the Law of Nature in the mountains.

He walked into the bar area. It was early and the bartender was setting up.

     “I’ll have a quick stiff one,” he said.

The drink was poured and Joe reached down and grabbed the glass. His big hand shook unsteadily as he raised it and saluted a large sign hanging on the wall.